We want to hear from you!

Hello CommonWheelers,

As we mentioned in our last entry, winter is fading away and we’re all chomping at the bit to begin an awesome season in less than a month.  But, before we hit the ground running pedaling, we want to hear your thoughts on the programs we’ll be offering this year.  Please allow us to present our 2012 user survey.

The survey won’t take more than 5 minutes of your time, and your answers will help us figure out how best to get as many folks as possible out and riding the streets of Boston safely.  We want to hear from you whether you were at every event last year, or never even made it down to Rugg Road (even though you really meant to).  And please, feel free to share this survey far and wide!  The URL is: http://bit.ly/CW2012Survey

Thanks for helping us out – we’ll see you soon,


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